Tag Archive for: 5 For Friday June 28

5 For Friday June 28

5 For Friday June 28

ALOHA. BONJOUR. HOLA. Friday greetings!  Last Friday of June. In just 3 short days, counting today -- July arrives -- ready or not. I'm ready. July might be my favorite month. My granddaughter, Elizabeth's, birthday, my birthday, 4th of July, fresh fruit, salads, and BBQ time full throttle. What's not to love?! Super fun round-up of fun today. BEGINNING WITH: Bruce Cameron's Paternal Proclamations.  Hilarious. Raise your hand if you have 1 or 25 pieces of wonderfuls clipped to your 'fridge via magnets!  I sure do.  I call mine 'fridge art.  CARTOONS: Are a blast Laugh out Louds.