Tag Archive for: Cooking Recipes

5 for FRIDAY | APRIL 19
Friday greetings!
Fabulous line-up to share today on the last day of this week.
Steph's off this week. She's super busy and will be back soon with more tips and tricks to share with us! Steph sends all of us her "hello"!
The stand-in for STEPHANIE'S CHIC ON THE CHEAP today is a fun blast-from-the-past read from the archives of Katiedid Langrock titled, "Twister Coming."
I find the "Twister Coming" column amusing. I did see "Twister" - the movie - but apparently I missed Helen Hunt's wardrobe. Perhaps, I need to give it another watch. And then - bust out my white tank top and khakis and be in Ninja combat tornado mode! It's definitely tornado season around these parts. Ha!
My favorite flower? Hmmmm - that's a tough one because all flowers are so pretty to me. Including dandelions. Yep, I just said dandelions.
I will say at first thought - sunflowers - especially the big, tall ones with their giant faces as big serving plates. You?
Behind the scenes is a peek-a-boo to those who don't or haven't worked in the film business. Teamsters aka TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT is a ya didn't know -- but now ya do -- read.
Peter and I wrote this in our book years ago. I ran it by my brother-in-law, Greg, (who worked Transportation in the Film Industry for years - as Coordinator and Captain) and I asked if what was written was correct. He offered a few little changes to make - which I have.
Greg also added that depending on the size of the show -- he was in charge of anywhere from 30, 60, 100 drivers/trucks -- and orchestrated all trucks + equipment to get to where working crew needed them to be fast, so all crew could jump quickly on task for the next set-up/shots/plans for the day.
I assure you, PATIENT film production would be an oxymoron.
Comes from Justin, head caterer, on the set of Salem.