Tag Archive for: Gardening

Ziploc Bags


Monday morning June 24th greetings! Super fabulous line-up collection I found to share today! BEGINNING WITH: UNIQUE WAYS TO USE ZIPLOC BAGS My favorite take-aways are: * Sorting and labeling electronic cables WITH manuals.  Hello!  Wish I'd known this like 40 years ago! * Sprouting seeds.  Same! * Cleaning gas stove burners.  What in the world?  Fantastic! CHAIN LINK FENCE COVER UP IDEAS FOR A LITTLE BIT OF MONEY, A LOT MORE PRIVACY + CREATIVE COOLNESS I don't have a chain link fence, but if I did I'd be considering one of these clever ideas. BLUE RIBBON SUPER STAR DAYMAKER, FRANCISCO OLIVEIRA Francisco blows me away with his excellence of artistry - and his love and heart to help these beautiful, young people who ... Gotta watch to see.  Guarantee it will not be one second waste of your time. The deep-down-from-their-souls- smiles -- from both the young people and Francisco stole my heart and will forever be in my memory bank.  Standing ovation applause and hat tip.  Wishing many blessings to you, Francisco Oliveira.  You're an amazing human being.
Sea Horses Antique Illustration

5 for FRIDAY | JUNE 9

Greetings All! And hello, Friday! And hello cool ideas for planters around our living spaces! PICTURE LINE UP: #1 Look at this narrow tall planter box that has fig trees in it!  YES! #2 Parsley in a planter.  Very cool.  Could also be basil or rosemary.  Or a combo of several! #3 Oh ... pretty zinnias all planted in a planter box on a table.  High five! #4 My personal favorite - donkey pulling a little cart ... A super cool concrete thing (meaning super heavy) that I found at garden store going out of business a few years ago.  I got this beauty for $15.  Believe it or not.  Truth. Be on the look out for something cool and extraordinary around your neck of the woods.  They're out there!  Just gotta be on the look out! My answer for nicknames of people I have in my life: my sister, Jennie, is Jen, My sister, Lisa, is Lea, my son, Hunter, is Hunter Bear, My mom is, Mama, my friend, Dixie, is Dix.  And my family and super close friends call me - Cher. What are nicknames for people close to you? 5 songs on the playlist are so pretty.  Hope you have a few to give them a listen. As always - we so appreciate your time and giving us a piece of your day on this Friday.  Grateful. Have a great weekend!
5 For Friday July 22 | Frog Prince

5 for Friday | July 22

Hi friends - I scored a very cool, very heavy burro planter at a nursery going out of business this week.  I love him.  I named him "Junior."  No reason, just looked like a Junior.  Ha! I also built a rectangle collage on the ceiling in the kitchen around the light source.  Paper came from a giant blow out sale World Market had a long while back.  I love the colors.  They make me happy. Look at this beautiful explosion of orange going on in one of my flower gardens.  Not even sure what the name of this particular flower is.  Need to find out!