Tag Archive for: Halloween

Wednesday Greetings, Readers!
Halloween season is upon us. Have any plans or cool decorations you're displaying outside for all to see?
Today's Wednesday Reader is full of fun and mischief.
Beginning with Quick Question -
What is something that used to scare you, but no longer does? I can think of 2. But I'm not telling. You?
Casanova cheesy lines are indeed cheesy - and they're a hoot!
REMEMBER PAY PHONES AND PHONE BOOTHS? Gosh, they sure have gone away, haven't they?
Question - when's the last time you saw one or the other?
I remember working on a commercial not that long ago. The Craft Service person said that she and her 8 year old daughter were watching an older movie several nights before and one of the actors in the movie made a call in a phone booth.
Her daughter said, "Mom, what's that thing all about?"
I rolled with laughter!