Tag Archive for: Home Cooking

Cheesy Enchilada Inspired Meatloaf, Steve Jobs Priceless Wisdom
Hello Friends -
Seize the Wednesday!
Hope your week is moving along fab-u-lous-ly.
Been a chill week so far for me + my little furry family.
We're all enjoying the temps falling into fall. Been a little bit of a wait - but well worth the fall's breath of fresh air.
Windows and doors popped open and the streaks of sunlight stretching into my home via windows and open doors are pleasantly comfortable and not screaming sun ray summer hot!
Hope you are enjoying the same.

Hello Wonderful readers on a beautiful, warm Wednesday - at least it is here.
March is getting closer - I see its timing in the sunrise, sunset and general feeling that spring is rolling our way.
We totally appreciate all of you for sliding by and spending a piece of your day hanging out + sharing + caring.
Catch ya on Friday with another fabulous episode!
Ready. Set. Read On.

Happy first Friday of 2023!
I packed up Christmas. Had a little helper - not so much help - but definitely on guard until I loaded stuff up to take to the storage unit. ha! Meet Kidd.
Beautiful moss growing outta the bricks in my driveway. Look at the brilliant green!
My Finders-Keepers wreath I have been building for several years. I find random toss aways in parking lots or on paths I walk and add to the one-of-a-kind piece of art in progress. Finders-Keepers!
Found yesterday! A cool find in the road where I wal