Tag Archive for: Homemade dressing

Outdoor Gatherings


Rise and shine! It's a brand new week full of possibilities and opportunities! How was your weekend? Hopefully full of chill - as in relaxation - after tasks you may or may not have had on your to do list.  I had a few tasks that I accomplished and I did find some chill and enjoyed it. Super-duper cool collection I found to share today. BEGINNING WITH: 100 LIFE SIZE ELEPHANT SCULPTURES On tour across the United States.  Incredible! These magnificent sculptures totally brought back to my memory the amazing story of the Elephant Whisperer:  Lawrence Anthony. If you have the time - it won't be wasted watching this little YouTube piece about Lawrence Anthony.  An amazing human being. These "rogue" elephants Lawrence took in on his reserve eventually bonded with him and loved him.  Most importantly, trusted him because of his kindness and care and patience.  And when Lawrence passed away, the elephants somehow knew that he had died and they made the however long trek, single file, to the Anthony's home to pay respects - and stayed around the perimeter of the home for over a day before going back into the bush on the reserve that was now their home thanks to Lawrence Anthony. It's goose bump stuff. Here's the link - ((*Unforgettable Tale of the Elephant Whisperer **))