Tag Archive for: Memorable Desserts

Top of the Morning November 6


Yo! Daymaker Readers and Yo! Monday - Daylight Savings time happened yesterday.  "Spring Forward - Fall Back."  I think most of us know that little saying or phrase. Save Arizona and Hawaii - they just sit tight and keep their clocks the same because Daylight Savings Time is not observed there - lucky them - ha  (did a super fast research on that via Google - ha). My computer and cell phone did the time change automatically.  I still need to turn all the house clocks and oven digital clock back. Enjoyed finding these fabulous interestings for today. Beginning with the Spectacular Artworks on an Australian beach.  They are nothing less than HUGE, CREATIVE, WHIMSICAL MASTERPIECES.  "Good on ya, Artists!" Wish I could've kicked off my shoes and walked along the sandy beach and viewed all up close and personal. Perhaps next time.  Hello, Bucket List!