Tag Archive for: Memories

Greetings Friends and happy Friday before Father's day Sunday.
Happy Father's Day to all the special men in our lives - here or gone before us.
My quick Question ANSWERS:
As kids, my sisters and I would often exclaim, "That's not fair." My dad always replied, "Life isn't fair."
And sometimes I would just be exasperated about something difficult. My dad would say, "If it was easy -- everyone would be doing it."
My Grandpa - in his later years with Parkinson's disease - I'll never forget - said, "If at the end of your life you can count on one hand friends who you could call in the middle of the night and say, 'I need you.' And that friend says, 'Where are you? I'm on my way.'"
As opposed to friend saying, "What's going on?"
You've lived a full life, Cheryl."
Isn't that beautiful and spot on?
Dixie says that her father, Jack, was a silent type. His eyes conveyed words. She could always tell by his eyes if he was disappointed or happy. 'nough said ...
What are your memory/answers?
Dragon Slayer sandwich is so so so good!
Couldn't help putting in the humor of Why It's Great To Be a Guy. Funny truth.
5 songs selected for today - are close to my heart. Hope you've got a few to give it a listen.
Thanks. For. Being. Here. Today. And giving us a read and your thoughts and a listen. Blessings all!

5 for FRIDAY | MAY 26
Hey - Hey! And Hey Friday!
Shout out to my sister Jennie; today's her birthday.
The black and white featured image is her at the age of 3 - wearing our Grandpa's boots, her *broken in* hat, and hauling around a bridle.
Living the Montana kid dream sans videos, video games, tablets and more channels on television than "you could shake a stick at". haha
Happy Birthday, Jen! xo
I was a Daymaker to a tiny little frog in the pool yesterday.
I didn't get a pic because I had to get it out as quickly as possible.
It was paddling, paddling, paddling to stay afloat. No doubt, worn out!
I'm not sure -- but when I got it out of the pool and put it in the garden -- it was "taking a moment" and a sigh of relief that it had been rescued from drowning -- I feel like it kinda looked at me and said, "Thank you" before it hopped away into cover of plants the garden offers.
BEAUTIFUL ROSE "TREE" - there's something cool happening in the rose tree. Can ya spot it?