Tag Archive for: Positive Living

Monday greetings magnificent readers!
How was your weekend? All good here - save the part where I had to snap my self outta the spring-like temps and drip the faucets again and prepare for some more frigid temps - as in 26 degrees over night, two nights in a row. Brrrrr!!!
Super fun Monday collection to share today -
First up is CICADAS ARE COMING but with dual emergence. Is this the part where we might say YIKES!?
Being from Montana - we didn't have Cicadas - however, now living in the land of Texas I've always enjoyed their rhythmic sound. To me, it's "the sound of summer."
BACKYARD SMALL PATIO IDEAS are pretty darn outstanding. And should a project like this be on your home to-do bucket list - now's a perfect time to start planning ahead before summer's furnace is full throttle. Cool ideas to choose + create an outdoor living space just for you and yours.
Totally love SMART MOM'S LIST OF ADD-ON CHORES for babysitter to make a little extra dough while the kids are sleeping and waiting for the parents to come home. Back in the day when I was babysitting - I would have taken smart mom up on her list and accomplished all on the list for $. Brilliant idea smart mom.
TIMELESS CUTENESS is just that and more -- timeless beauties that brought to me smile-smile-smile. Whole lotta joy in the captured pieces of another time, another place of others. Hope you have a few minutes to give them a scroll-through.