Tag Archive for: recipes

Wednesday Reader May 15


Hola! Bonjour! Howdy! Wednesday greetings, friends!  Midweek is here and Friday and the weekend are just 2 short days away! Great line up to share today beginning with: LESLIE ELMAN'S TRIVIA BITS POP QUIZ I knew 1 outta 3 and now I know 3 outta 3 and you will too.  We just got schooled (in a good way) and feel "light bulb" brighter/smarter! QUICK QUESTION Me, my favorite junk food *gasp*  is Doritos Nacho Cheese chips.  I'd eat myself sick on them if left unattended.  Ha. However, I rarely keep them in my house.  When working on Set I used to grab a little bag from the Craft Service table and pop that bad boy open and savor!  You? K9-ALITIES Had me laughing out loud! RECIPE FOR COLD SESAME NOODLES Is TDF!  It's so. so. so. so. good.  Did I mention good?  It's outstanding.  And, yes, leftovers are the dreams of midnight snack attacks! FINDER'S KEEPERS WREATH
Top of the Morning May 6 | Golden Fishes Matisse


Hi! Good Morning and Good Monday greetings - I had a chill, relaxed weekend.  Hung out with some friends and shared a lot of laughter.  Always best times in the making!  You? Great line-up of collected fascinatings to present today. BEGINNING WITH: BUILDING A SHIP IN A BOTTLE AWE-SOME short watch.  I'm pretty sure, knowing me, I wouldn't have that kind of disciplined patience to do such a piece of art.  And it is art.  I would have the patience to write a little note and slide it inside a bottle, cork it, and toss it in to the ocean.  Ha! LIFE WAS GREAT GROWING UP IN THE 70's Is a blast from the past fun read! 8-tracks -- check School Lunches -- check Private Phone calls depended on the length of the phone cord - check JAWS the movie - check, check, check Allowed outside without supervision - check Saturday mornings and cartoons - check Staying up late to watch Saturday Night Live - check 11 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT THE "PEANUTS" COMIC STRIP
5 For Friday March 29

5 for FRIDAY | MARCH 29

EASTER WEEKEND GREETINGS! We've got a super line-up of Bunny Art, Inspiration, Tanning Tips, Unique Egg Salad Recipe and Pineapple question on this Good Friday. Beginning with: STEPHANIE'S CHIC ON THE CHEAP Fabulous self-tanner tips if you don't wanna crawl into a tanning bed *ahem* which I am guilty of and have been doing too many years to count.  I need to change my ways and Steph's column today is how I'm gonna start.  These 2 products she writes about and presents absolutely intrigue me in that I can still be suntan Cheryl but in a much safer, healthier way. As always, Steph, your easy doable tips of FASHION + DIY ART + INDOOR/OUTDOOR DECORATING + MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL BEAUTY are so cutting-edge and who-knew? until we read it from you.  We look forward to your columns on how to jazz-up ourselves and living environments to a higher, even more exciting level!  Thank ya. QUICK QUESTION Does pineapple belong on pizza.  Well --- not necessarily for me.
Wednesday Reader March 13


Wednesday greetings, all! Super fabulous read today, beginning with: QUICK QUESTION Smartest person I know?  Can't nail one specific person down right this second.  But I'm thinking.  You? POP QUIZ + FASCINATING STUFF Loads me up feeling smarter and more interesting.  Thanks to Leslie Elman. JERRY CLOWER (!) I love Jerry Clower's down-home southern humor.  Always have and always will.  Enjoy "Play Pretties" in today's episode.  It's a hoot! RECIPE Grilled cheddar cheese + Bacon -- on raisin bread.  Fantastic trio.  As far as what spread to put on the bread - I choose just straight up butter or mayo + fresh cracked pepper. TRACY BECKERMAN'S COLUMN "To All the Jeans I've Loved Before" is absolute tongue-in-cheek grins.
Wednesday Reader December 6


Wednesday Greetings! Great line-up today -- Beginning with Quick Question -- What's something I do when I'm bored?  Believe it or not, I clean outside/inside of cupboards and kitchen drawers, baseboards and inside of the fridge.  I think being bored is actually productive in my world.  Ha!  You? Recipe for Sweet Salted Candid Pecans is addictive.  Make it once and then get ready to make it on REPEAT. BRIGHT NEW DAY is a reminder to us all.  Every single day of 1,440 minutes is indeed a gift. Tracy Beckerman's column Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire is, yet again, another slice-of-life, tongue-in-cheek read I can totally relate to. FASCINATING STUFF - I've not heard of St Nicholas magazine but - Faulkner, yes (!)  And Wolverines ?? And how about all the towns in our beautiful U.S. with the cool Chrismasy names?
5 For Friday December 1st | Mid Century Pink Reindeer
Wednesday Reader November 29


Greetings! Presenting Wednesday Reader line-up.  A really great read today! Beginning with: CHRISTMAS TREE "HATS" Check out this funky cool pic for a lot of fun inspiration (should you be attending a Christmas event) QUICK QUESTION What used to scare me but no longer does? Me, being alone at home at night,  You? BE IN THE KNOW - NATO ALPHABET Gotta read through this A -Z alphabet!  Super fun.  All of the words that represent the letters cannot be mistaken for another because they are specific and unique being associated with their letter of the alphabet. LOVE AUDREY HEPBURN'S QUOTE A parallel of Impossible to I'm Possible! Presenting Wednesday Reader line-up.  A really great read today! QUICK QUESTION What used to scare me but no longer does? Me, being alone at home at night,  You? BE IN THE KNOW - NATO ALPHABET Gotta read through this A -Z alphabet!  Super fun.  All of the words that represent the letters cannot be mistaken for another because these words rhyme with no other. LOVE AUDREY HEPBURN'S QUOTE A parallel of Impossible to I'm Possible! LASAGNA SOUP RECIPE As I wrote, I was in the Sacramento area visiting family for Thanksgiving.  2 days after Thanksgiving my sister, Lisa, brought a Lasagna soup home from her local market, The Nugget (think Central Market or Whole Foods kind of cool ).  Lasagna soup was the bomb-a-reno! Totally enjoyed it for lunch and then leftovers zapped in the microwave around midnight when I got up craving one more bite.  Lasagna soup called out my name.  It was so good. Found this recipe which I think would be THE RECIPE or close enough.
Little Boy with Christmas Tree


Hey-hey friends! How was Thanksgiving?  Ours was wonderful.  Can't go wrong with great food, family, laughter and sharing stories and enjoying each others company.  Thanks-Giving happened! Well - It's official! Christmas season has arrived.  Time for me to break out my pretty twinkle and chunk lights, retro tree (yes, I have a silver one that my great Aunt Jen Lou gifted me with the roll around color wheel - circa probably 1960) , decorations and a wreath or 2.  EXCITED. Great line-up today. BEGINNING WITH STEPHANIE'S CHIC ON THE CHEAP COLUMN 42nd high school reunion?!  Impossible - you look too young, for that timeline, Steph.  Seriously.
5 For Friday November 17


Hola! How's your week been?  And how's gearing up for Thanksgiving going? All's good around here.  Never a dull moment and plenty of laughter and what in the world peek-a-boos! Another fabulous line-up today beginning with Stephanie's Chic on the Cheap. Gotta love the cool versatile look this one little faux-fur bomber style jacket offers.  Once again (!) Steph keeps us in the know and shares with us her insider tips on how to dress to impress.  Thanks, Steph! The QUICK QUESTION has my mind thinking of several answers.  I'll just stand with what my Grandpa used to say, "If you can't say anything nice -- don't say anything at all."
Wednesday Reader August 30


We've had a teeny-tiny reprieve from the triple digits!  Relief.  Crazy to believe that 95* feels like a gift.  But it sure does! Walking my 3 miles - got a little more pep-in-my-step!  ha Presenting Wednesday Reader! Line up - Quick Question - what unnerves me but doesn't seem to bother a mass majority?  My answer to that would be lack of common manners.  Manners = Class.  You? RIDDLE - I didn't guess the riddle answer.  However, now that I know the answer.  No-Brainer.
5 For Friday August 11

5 for FRIDAY | AUGUST 11

Super fun line up today : Stephanie's Chic on the Cheap about nails is totally insider's information shared today by Stephanie.  Tried and true.  And the color!  Classy, fabulous and matches anything you might be wearing or think about wearing. Quick Question - What do I miss about my youth?  Easy.  Foot loose and fancy free!  Mom and/or Dad had it all taken care of.  How about you? Cinch Strap Sandwich is incredibly good.  Meat lovers - you'll love this sandwich and won't miss the absence of meat!  Should probably call it Fresh-picked-from-the garden sandwich delight.  Cinch Strap is more fun.  I think. Humorous Church reader boards - They're tongue-in-cheek -- made ya think.
Wednesday Reader August 9


Yes, I've witnessed multiple something(s) miraculous.  How about you? I totally love Tips for a Beautiful Life.  Truth, for sure.  I'm gonna strive to do every one -- each day.  Just can't be that hard.  Mind Set. Leslie Elman's Fascinating Facts is always ... Fascinating.  Brown paper bags ... Truly try the Mud Pie recipe.  It's a summertime treat. Riddle Me This Answer is wonderful!  I won't forget that one -- ever. Tracy Beckerman is such a fun writer!  Slice of Life I can totally identify with.