Tag Archive for: Thrift Store Treasures

5 For Friday March 1

5 for FRIDAY | MARCH 1

Hello March and hello friends - March isn't rolling in like a lion thus far.  Temps are supposed to be around 70 today.  But who knows?  Could change like lickety-split.  Regardless of what temps roll in today to the end of the month, I'm counting on March rolling out like a lamb and gently launching us into spring. Super-duper fun read today! Beginning with: STEPHANIE'S CHIC ON THE CHEAP Once again (!) Stephanie  hooks us up with cool, DIY innovative ideas of things + pieces just waiting in a thrift store to be discovered, loved and become statement pieces here and there in our homes.  Welcome to the family, sort of thing! I don't happen to own an old suitcase - but now I'm on the hunt!  I love the vintage look of them.  And the beauty of another piece of eclectic added to my home.  Same goes for a basket with a moving handle.  Superness! Genius, Steph! DO I LEARN BY WATCHING OR DOING? My answer is both.  I learn by watching and then doing.  The 2 work in tandem for me.  You?