Tag Archive for: Vintage Furniture

5 For Friday February 23


Hello Mighty Readers! Happy Friday.  Crazy how February's flying by like a well thrown Frisbee. Great line-up today - BEGINNING WITH: STEPHANIE'S CHIC ON THE CHEAP WOW!  Check out the one-of-a-kind chair we can all build/create.  Chic on the Cheap DIY! No two will be alike!  Custom pieces of art created by you and me for sitting and hanging out purposes.  Eclectic rules. First, Steph gives tips on where to find an inexpensive vintage chair (and give it a 2nd time around sort of thing) + finding the belts at thrift stores (another 2nd time around sort of coolness) and then how to assemble. I am so gonna build one for my home.  I'm actually thinking of perhaps building several to put around my outside table for the summer time. Steph gives us the step-by-step where to find and how to.   Once again - Steph presents a fabulous idea and we can all run with it and create with confidence.  Love it! Thanks, Steph! QUICK QUESTION If I had the power to change one thing about my personality - hands down - would be patience.  I know that I have less than a lot of patience sometimes.  Wish I had it all the time.  Perhaps, I'll strive for it a little harder.  What's your one thing?