Greetings Monday. Hello happy people.
Well, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. Do you have a favorite Valentine’s memory from when you were a kid?
I fondly recall what a blast it was to take an empty shoe box to school — the teacher setting aside time for several days in a row when we got a break from chalkboard teaching — and were set free to create and decorate our cool personalized Valentine’s Day boxes.
Remember? The little mailbox sort of thing where classmates slipped a little card in – on the day.
Bonus! The party. Moms brought in sweet treats: cupcakes, punch, little sandwiches, candy.
Good times!
Happy Valentine’s Day (!)
Scooped up these wonderful 12 for today. Click and enjoy the entertainment.
Dear Annie’s sage thoughts to a Reader’s statement.
So thrilled that you’re here.
- Simple rules of the road we’d all like everyone to follow
- How Wild is this? Nobody knows who built these ancient structures …
- Good to know. 3 paint colors that will never go out of style
- Kids test answers that will crack you up
- 13 personality signs that show class and grace … how many do you have?
- Did you catch these giant movie bloopers?
- In case you were thinking of getting a tarantula
- This recipe says Be My Valentine xoxo
- And so does this one!
- Canadian man captures the one in a million moment when a moose sheds both antlers W*O*W
- Story and pic of one of the coolest and rarest watches
- Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story – THE SHOE SHINE BOY
Dear Annie:
A marriage is like a flower. If it doesn’t get its basics needs met, it eventually dies. This can take a very long time if you really loved someone, but once it is dead, there is no revival. — Water Your Plants
Dear Plants:
What we put in is what we get out. For those in a relationship who think the grass is greener on the other side, it almost never is. In fact, the grass is greenest where you water it.
~ Send your questions for Annie Lane to COPYRIGHT 2023 CREATORS.COM