Happy Halloween friends!
I recall this adorable, hilarious story about my granddaughter, Elizabeth, from several years ago. It was going to be her first trick-or-treating experience so in preparation, she went around the inside of their home and knocked on closed doors to practice her Trick-or-Treat action!
I love the story and memory. Here’s a fun collection of 12 for this fine Halloween Monday. Enjoy!
- 7 fun facts about Dracula
- 10 surprising facts about Frankenstein
- Great Halloween parent funnies
- Candy Corn – little bit of a back story …
- Halloween activities
- It’s all about the money, baby
- Apples and fun times
- Do you know about the Trunk-or-Treat thing?
- Best Halloween quotes — Ever
- Thriller – What a performance!
- Imaginative, blue ribbon DIY costumes
- Smile, your on Candid Camera