5 For Friday June 24 | Monkey Lathrop

5 for Friday | June 24

Howdy ! Hope your week was good and some giant laughter found you !  Laughter good! Random laughter definitely found me this week and it makes me happy. Hat tip to College Street Pub in Waxahachie for their creative sidewalk decorating.  Inside is decorated wonderfully British Pub style and the food is fabulous.  The Buffalo Chicken Sandwich is my favorite. 17 M.P.H.  ... hmmm ... that's a first for me.
Top of the Morning June 13 2022

5 for Friday | June 10

Hello everyone ! I hope this week was kind and productive for you ! Raise your hand if you're ready for the weekend - ha! My niece, Jayde,  and her husband, Chris, hosted a giant party for my mom's birthday.  It was magic.  Chris is a master on the Weber.  Hello, we're a lucky family ! Chris smoked Tenderloin and lobster tails.  That's Curtis and Jared (brother-in-law and nephew) assisting Chris serving the tenderloin as they went around the table.  There are no words, other than one ... O*U*T*S*T*A*N*D*I*N*G. Is this not the coolest display of air plants EVER ?!  This is totally going on my "gotta have it - gotta make it" list.
Top of the Morning May 30 2022

5 for Friday | May 27

Hey, hi - I hope your week has been great and are now looking forward to the weekend! Check out the cool planter ideas.  I went to Balboa Island to visit family and snapped the pics while walking around looking at the very artsy community.  So much fun. I love the whiskey barrel creativity.  Looks so natural and bold all at the same time.  I'm going to definitely do at least one.