Wallpaper and Linoleum Ideas

Roast Beef Party Sandwiches, Wallpaper and Linoleum Ideas, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Story

Happy Friday! We're so excited that you're here today! How has your week been? Good here.  Tackling a few projects around here. Main one was my fridge was kinda' doing a tiny leaky-leak thing and I couldn't figure it out. A friend said, "Check your drip pan." Light Bulb Moment!  I hadn't thought of that. So I took off the kick plate and discovered: a) I don't have a drip pan b) By flashlight and me lying on the floor revealed the condenser coils were caked - and I mean CAKED - with cat fur and layers of dust or whatever was suffocating my 'fridge from operating properly. I was -- cheeks flushed, embarrassed, shocked! Good thing nobody was here to see it or I would've been ashamed that this had happened under my watch. Poor 'fridge just couldn't breathe properly. I went into clean the condenser coil mode with a shop vac + attachment hose and flashlight -- me still lying on the tile floor as I worked. I swear as I worked and the attachment hose sucked all the caked on stuff off the condenser coil(s), I could almost feel/hear the 'fridge, sighing, and saying, "I can breathe now!  Thank you." Happy to report, she ('fridge) is purring like a kitten and we're all cool with each other again. And maybe - just maybe - my power bill will reflect a little bonus from it.  hahaha Thanks, Joe, for that huge piece of wisdom!  Hat tip.
Marble Lesson Story

Cabbage + Fruit Slaw, Marble Lesson Story, Cowboy Code

Friday Vibes to You! It's been a good week in my world. You? I did, however, buy 3 peaches at the grocery store the other day.  All excited (as they are my favorite fruit), I cleaned one and bit into it like an apple and was like, "What are you?  You don't taste like a peach AT ALL.  You taste ---uh,  flavorless." From here on out -- while peaches are still in season-- gonna totally do the sniff test. If it doesn't smell like a peach -- won't taste like one either. 101 peach lesson learned from Cheryl and passing it along.  Ha! Presenting 5 for Friday post this August 23, 2024. BEGINNING WITH:
5 For Friday July 28

Celebrating Friendship And Cooking

Friday greetings! How's your week been? Chill or not-so-chill? Did ya do any tiny projects around your space/place that's been calling out for attention? Super cool read today! BEGINNING WITH: STACY'S WORLD Indeed - Stacy, Carol and I had a memorable lunch celebrating Carol's birthday at this outstanding local Mexican restaurant.  Who can believe we have such an upscale restaurant right here in our little ol' town that is absolutely blowing up with new homes and new neighbors moving in -- fast! The food was mouthwatering greatness -  however, the laughter, conversation and love outshined the food. And, yes, I too am a recipient of numerous pieces of Carol's talented, original watercolor artwork: Birthday greetings, Easter hello, Thanksgiving greetings, Christmas Wishes and thank-you notes. And, yes, all are framed or displayed, carefully positioned, around my home. All bring beauty, love and joy. Hat tip to ya, Carol, and thank you. I don't know about you, but Stacy's find of the corn on the cob recipe cooked with the jalapenos and honey has my full attention! Same, bacon wrapped chicken recipe via an old school family recipe! Both -  Totally on my make it ASAP list! Stacy never fails us with her innovative ideas and finds. Thank ya, Stac! Lucky us! QUICK QUESTION If I could have 3 wishes -- They would be in this order:
Tickle Your Funny Bone Cartoons


Friday fun greetings all! Hope you've had a fabulous week and are ready to get foot loose and fancy free for the weekend! I know have and I am. Presenting August 9 post to kick-off the weekend. Beginning with: DID YA KNOW? I'm not all the way sold on all of them.  I'm so gonna try and fold a piece of paper more than 7 times for one.  Ha! QUICK QUESTION My least favorite chore is hands down laundry.  I don't mind the whole washing and drying thing --- just the folding part. Must be something in my way back in the time machine that makes me feel stubborn about it.  ha!  You? FILM CREW 101 ART DEPARTMENT
Fashion Comfort Footwear


HOLA! GREETINGS! BONJOUR! Happy first Friday of August 2024. July came and went like in a super flash to me. You? Super fun line-up today to kick-start the weekend. BEGINNING WITH: STACY'S WORLD I'm loving these elevated sandals. Stacy was wearing a pair when she treated me to my birthday lunch last week. I noticed them immediately.  They were classy, cool, pretty. And today Stacy's sharing the inside scoop of how we can all find them - or at least try - to to score a pair or two. Thanks, Stac, for keeping is in the fashion-cool know! QUICK QUESTION What do I think is something that will always be in fashion no matter how much time passes? My Answer - favorite pair of worn and loved cowboy boots! However, after reading Stacy's column - there are 2 for me now - boots and wedge Clarks sandals! QUEEN, THE BLIND HORSE Story is full of heart and love.
Chicken Chile Philly Roll Ups


GREETINGS! Happy Friday! Did ya know that today is Mick Jagger's birthday? According to Google -- he turns 81 today.  And he and the Rolling Stones are still touring! Talk about a dude who just keeps moving and shaking and doing his deal! Mick's not thinking about the number 81! I like his birthday number thinking style! AND!  It's also my birthday. I always thought it kinda cool that Mick and I share the same birthdate. Who do you share with your birthdate? Birthday singing will roll in via calls from my family. As they say, "It's a family tradition."  HA My Grandpa and Grandma started it a very long time ago and it continues! And believe me -- we all look forward to the calls on our day and hearing the Happy Birthday songs.
Top of the Morning March 4


GREETINGS FRIENDS - FRIDAY VIBES ARE IN THE AIR! Yay and Hooray - end of week has found us and we get a little window of weekend time to chill and relax. Do you have any special plans other than just enjoying the weekend? Me? Nope. Weekend Spirit and Friday Vibes make me smile and totally put a pep in my step! Did ya happen to do the Amazon Prime Super Duper deals shopping this Wednesday and Thursday this week? I did. Nothing all that exciting. But exciting to me. Great deals on things like replacement filters for my little air purifier, shock/chlorine for the pool, a new pair of tennis shoes (yep, white! My sisters love to tease me about my white tennis shoes choice for many, many years - ha) and a new upright fan for the living room - old one just plum wore out. That's it - feel like I totally scored with the discounts! Presenting 5 for Friday this July 19. BEGINNING WITH: STACY'S WORLD Super cool/humor/informative column. Always! And we all walk away knowing a little couple of somethings we didn't know before! And the whole potato info in this column is greatness! Totally awesome, brilliantly written. Thanks, Stac!
5 For Friday July 12


Friday frolic greetings! Whoop!  Whoop!  The weekend has arrived (well, almost). COULD I HAVE PASSED THE 8TH GRADE IN 1895 Absolutely not!  Holy cow! I couldn't even pass it as I typed it out to share today at my age of 39 and holding for x amount of years in a row.  Ha No wonder those who have gone before us -- as in way before us -- figured out how to do what they did and build a country and foundations of  ... Just WOW!  Humbling. And these 8th graders passed without GOOGLE at their fingertips! Impressive, inspiring and I also realize I'm not all that sassy smart as I'd like to think I am. QUICK QUESTION What never fails to make me laugh? Memories from back in the day and revisiting them on my own or with family and friends. Side splitting laughter!  Always! You? FILM CREW OUCH THAT HAD TO HURT! Column by Peter is an intriguing read.  Who knew? Well Peter did because of the number of big shows and the pros he worked with for so many years. Yes, I remember Terry Leonard -- legendary stuntman -- who directed 2nd unit on American Outlaws because I, too, was there. 117 degrees every day in Palestine, Texas.  Regardless of the heat and the ratings the show received -- it was super cool to work on. Terry is a class act and well revered by all stunt professionals and crew. And the stunt men and women are larger than life for sure - they know it and so do we. CARNITAS RECIPE Is outstanding!
5 For Friday July 5

5 For Friday July 5 greetings

Happy Friday! Hope all had a cool 4th celebration whether with friends and/or family or chilling by yourself. GREAT fun line-up today! BEGINNING WITH: STACY'S WORLD Column this week is INDEED fashion fun! Thanks, Stac, for keeping us in the know and in the loop! QUICK QUESTION Which of the 2 smells better?  That's a toughy because I love both smells.  I call it a draw.  Won't choose one over the other.  Nope!  You? NO SISSY NONSENSE STORY Tounge-in-Cheek laughter! CHINESE CHICKEN SALAD RECIPE Is 2 big thumbs UP!
5 For Friday June 28

5 For Friday June 28

ALOHA. BONJOUR. HOLA. Friday greetings!  Last Friday of June. In just 3 short days, counting today -- July arrives -- ready or not. I'm ready. July might be my favorite month. My granddaughter, Elizabeth's, birthday, my birthday, 4th of July, fresh fruit, salads, and BBQ time full throttle. What's not to love?! Super fun round-up of fun today. BEGINNING WITH: Bruce Cameron's Paternal Proclamations.  Hilarious. Raise your hand if you have 1 or 25 pieces of wonderfuls clipped to your 'fridge via magnets!  I sure do.  I call mine 'fridge art.  CARTOONS: Are a blast Laugh out Louds.
Homemade Organic Mosquito Repellent


HOORAY FOR FRIDAY! Presenting Friday's post this June 21 - day 2 officially summer! Summer has arrived and its gonna do what it wants for several months + 1 or 2. Whether we like it or not.  Ha. Break out the tank tops, summer shorts, skirts, flip-flops... And HATS: Big Straw glamour hats! Cowboy hats! Caps! Visors! Umbrellas! Little bit of shade that travels with us as we move about our days in the summer outdoor furnace. We just do what we can - in cool style! Outstanding line-up today! BEGINNING WITH: STACY'S WORLD
Happy Fathers Day


Hola! Howdy! Greetings! Happy Fathers Day to all the meaningful men who are/ have been in our world! Super great line-up today. Beginning with: FILM CREW 101 Behind the Scenes.  This piece is about Set Lighting (which I worked on for 27 + years as a Best Boy - yep, my title was Best Boy.  Industry term). QUICK QUESTION What's my favorite memory of my dad? I have 2: In the summertime, Dad would buy a giant bag of oranges and lemons and hand juice them (old school style)  into a pitcher and make the BEST orange/lemonade! Our dad was larger than life.  As in real life.  His forearms were the size of many people's calves.  He wasn't fat - he was - formidable.  He could be the sweetest guy on the planet or he could be intimidating depending on the situation.  Yeah, we always felt he had our backs - and he did.  Mom told us that when they were dating and first got married - Dad did push-ups with her sitting on his shoulders.  Yep, that kind of strong!  Yours? STORY OF A GENIUS SAYS GOODBYE Is so full of great thought + heart + peace. RECIPE FOR BUBBLE FUN If you're hanging out with your dad or remembering him. THANKS ALL FOR SLIDING BY TODAY We so appreciate ya + love + friendship + sharing + caring. READY? SET. HERE WE GO! ENJOY THE READ.